
Showing posts from November, 2013

Getting data from db and show in listview in Android Apache Cordova

Hello everyone, In this article I am trying to insert some data in sqlite table and get the same data from table and want to show in list-view of android in cordova (formality name PhoneGap). You know all, Sqlite is the database that android device provide optional for us. We can store  a lot of data inside the sqlite database. PhoneGap makes it pretty darn easy to create and work with a database in your application. For this we have to create the database name and version and in phonegap it stored inside the data/data/package name/files_01/000000001.db. For the UI design jquery mobile provide the outstanding UI as for drag and drop. package com.sunil.listview; import android.os.Bundle; import org.apache.cordova.*; public class CordovaListview extends CordovaActivity { @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); super.init(); // Set by in config.xml

Install The Cordova Plugin through CLI & how to run on android device

Hi Guys, In Apache Cordova, the role of the plugin is very important to build the Cordova for any platform like android, ios, blackberry, window7 or window8. For each platform, we need the plugin for the basic component of the native-like Accelerometer, Device, Compass, Notification, Networking, Camera etc. In the older version of the phone-gap it already build in the jar file but Apache Cordova3.1 version it provide you have to create your own plugin if you need for native each. A plugin is a bit of add-on code that provides an interface to native components. You can design your own plugin interface. For the app to communicate closely with various device-level features, you need to add plugins that provide access to core Cordova APIs. There are many plugin the Apache Cordova provide so the thing how to install all those plugins in out Cordova project with command line Interface(CLI). First, you need to create the Cordova project in your any directory. but make sure Cordova

Insert form data into db and validate login Phonegap

Hi guys!! First of all my friends and fans Happy Diwali to all. Today we are learning to how to insert the form data into sqlite in PhoneGap and successful registration then check the authorization in login page.  Sqlite is the database that android device provide is the optional for us. We can store the a lot of data inside the sqlite database. PhoneGap makes it pretty darn easy to create and work with a database in your application. For this we have to create the database name and version and in phonegap it stored inside the data/data/package name/files_01/000000001.db. So your table data will be stored inside the 000000001.db file. In your dbname your table have no data. The most stuff I feel that to create the UI design, And jquerymobile provide the pretty ui design. So in this tutorial we will integrate with jquery mobile UI and cordova with sqlite. I hope this tutorial might be helpfull to all my friends. Now lets start the create the android project to build this f

Get Current Location and load on GoogleMap

Hi guys! This tutorial might be helpful to all developer to get the current location and show the current location on GoogleMap. To access the current location we need to use the Geo location. So what is the GeoLocation? "The geolocation object provides access to location data based on the device's GPS sensor or inferred from network signals." Geolocation provides information about the device's location, such as latitude and longitude. Common sources of location information include Global Positioning System (GPS) and location inferred from network signals such as IP address, RFID, WiFi and Bluetooth MAC addresses, and GSM/CDMA cell IDs. There is no guarantee that the API returns the device's actual location. With the help of this navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(onSuccess, onError, { enableHighAccuracy:true }); getCurrentPosition is the method for get the current latitude and longitude.Here we see enableHighAccurary:ture it means if the networ

A Splash Screen for Android using Phonegap

Hi Guys, In this tutorial we have added the article to show the splash screen for a short time and then after load the index.html file. Adobe Cordova includes a Splashscreen API so you can add a splash screen to your app, which consists of a still graphic image displaying before your app starts. I have recently begun a lot of experiment to build the application in hybrid to make for android and ios creating native mobile apps with HTML5/CSS3/JS. I found that Titanium Appcelerator and PhoneGap have two option to create the mobile application hybrid. Both products are great, but their approaches (and capabilities) are very different. To work in both I have personally feel that PhoneGap is much easy to build the mobile application rather than Titanium. If you create your Android splash screen as a 9-patch image, then the image will resize proportionally when displayed in either portrait or landscape mode. In order to have a splash screen in a PhoneGap Android application